Force For Good: The Catholic Guide to Business Integrity
These pages show you how to infuse integrity into your business and why it is so essential to success. You will learn not only the responsibilities you have to your employees, to your customers, and to society in general, but also why you must fulfill these responsibilities to remain competitive. In short, you’ll learn how to do the right thing in business, and how to do it the right way.
From Force for Good you’ll learn:
- The one principal concern of business (Hint: it’s not profit)
- The particular virtues you must have to run a good business
- What natural law is and how it applies to business
- The 3 elements of business integrity
- The 4 core principles of Catholic social doctrine that render even very competitive
businesses humane
- The 6 things you must consider when making ethical decisions
- The 10 steps you must take now to develop integrity in your business
These helpful pages include, as well:
- Scriptural support for Catholic Social Doctrines related to business
- Dozens of quotes from papal encyclicals about business
- Many real-life examples from real businesses, successful and not
- Plus, much more to make you a better person and your business a better business!
About the Author
Dr. Brian Engelland is the Edward J. Pryzbyla Chair of Business and Economics and Ordinary Professor of Marketing. Dr. Engelland’s research focuses on how marketing executives think, plan and evaluate in making decisions on how to market products and services. Naturally, this involves investigation into the personal ethics, virtue, and religiosity of the marketing decision-maker. He has authored over seventy refereed publications and six books, won multiple teaching awards and been named as a fellow of the Marketing Management Association. In 2013 he was the recipient of the Lifetime Contributor to Marketing Award by the Society for Marketing Advances. He 2014 he was named the Pryzbyla Chair.